Monday, June 29, 2015

4 Steps for Shoulder Stability in Weight-Bearing Yoga Poses

ArrayOnce you understand the anatomy and actions of the shoulder girdle, you can delve into making its parts work together more intelligently.

 FIRST STEP Get acquainted with the anatomy of the shoulder girdle and the actions of its muscles by starting with Tiffany Cruikshank’s Guide to the Shoulder Girdle + Its Actions

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Eka Pada Koundinyasana Variation

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I moved from the yoga mecca of Los Angeles where yoga classes are virtually offered 24-7 to a small town in central Florida. My practice went from easy and accessible to, “am I really in the mood to do a home practice?” Needless to say, the move did leaps and bounds for my soul but didn’t care much for my yoga practice.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Summer Sports Guide

Maxine Bahns got hooked on the exhilaration of athletic competition in 2000, when she entered her first triathlon at age 30 and finished third in her age group. "It fired me up like nothing else," says the Los Angeles-based actress. But as she entered more and more races, she grew increasingly uncomfortable with their physical and mental toll.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Play Ball

When Melody Parker, a former professional volleyball player and the coach of the Santa Barbara City College men's volleyball team, first introduced her athletes to yoga, they were skeptical. But Parker, who has been practicing for 15 years, persevered.

Joy Ride

It's early in her morning practice when Gillian Gibree takes a familiar asana: Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose). To start waking up her arms and legs, she presses evenly through her hands and feet. She lifts her sitting bones skyward as she relaxes her neck and finds extension in her long spine.

Yoga Takes a Hike

It's summer, and a hike in the sunshine beckons—but so does the yoga class that starts in 15 minutes. Fortunately, opportunities to mix a session of invigorating trail hiking with focused, mat-free asana practice are everywhere these days.

Play it Forward

If you love sports you know that injuries come with the territory - caused by repetitive motion, imbalances in your biomechanics, or in many cases both! But if you practice yoga, you have a great tool at your disposal for preventing injuries. A yoga practice encourages you to take inventory of your body as you practice.